Saturday, 5 October 2013


1.1 Water
Water is a common chemical substance that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. In typical usage, water refers only to its liquid form or state, but the substance also has a solid state, ice, and a gaseous state, water vapor or steam. About 1.460 platinum (Pt.) (1021kilograms) of water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, mostly in oceans and other large water bodies, with 1.6% of water below ground in aquifers and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation.[1] Saltwater oceans hold 97% of surface water, glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, and other land surface water such as rivers, lakes and ponds 0.6%. Some of the Earth's water is contained within water towers, biological bodies, manufactured products, and food stores. Other water is trapped in ice caps, glaciers, aquifers, or in lakes, sometimes providing fresh water for life on land. At ambient temperature, it is a nearly colorless (with a hint of blue), tasteless, and odorless liquid. Many substances dissolve in water and it is commonly referred to as the universal solvent. Because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure.

1.2 Industrial Uses of Water
Industries that produce metals, wood, paper, chemicals, gasoline, oils, and most other products all use water in some part of their production process. Industry depends on water, much like agriculture and domestic households depend on water. Total industrial water use in the world is about 22%, with high-income countries using 59%, and low-income countries using a minuscule 8%. Industry is reliant on water for all levels of production. It can be used as a raw material, solvent, coolant, transport agent, and energy source.
1.3 Waste Water
Wastewater can be described as a mixture of undesirable substances, or “pollutants,” in water.  Industrial wastewater is the aqueous discard that results from the use of water in an industrial manufacturing process or the cleaning activities that take place along with that process.
1.4 Problems Caused By Waste Water
Virtually all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and animals. Different forms of pollutants affect the health of animals in different ways:
  •  Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. These are toxic to marine life such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to the humans who eat them. Heavy metals can slow development; result in birth defects and some are carcinogenic.
  •  Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds that damage the health of aquatic animals and those who eat them. Some of the toxins in industrial waste may only have a mild effect whereas other can be fatal. They can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure or acute poisoning.
  •  Microbial pollutants from sewage often result in infectious diseases that infect aquatic life and terrestrial life through drinking water. Microbial water pollution is a major problem in the developing world, with diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever being the primary cause of infant mortality.
  •  Organic matter and nutrients causes an increase in aerobic algae and depletes oxygen from the water column. This causes the suffocation of fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can result in mortality.
  •  Suspended particles in freshwater reduces the quality of drinking water for humans and the aquatic environment for marine life. Suspended particles can often reduce the amount of sunlight penetrating the water, disrupting the growth of photosynthetic plants and micro-organisms.

Water is a great playground for us all. The scenic and recreational values of our waters are reasons many people choose to live where they do. Visitors are drawn to water activities such as swimming, fishing, boating and picnicking.

The objective of the project was to analyze industrial waste water and then suggest a treatment system.  For this purpose different local industries were visited and samples were collected from each industry. The marble industry was given as our main concern because in NWFP they are present in huge amount and they pollute water and our environment up to large extent.  The samples were then tested for different parameters.

2.1 Introduction
The term marble (from the marmoaos stone or boulder) is restricted granular limestone and dolomite that have been recrystallized under the influence of heat, pressure, and rarely aqueous solution. Commercially it includes all decorative calcium rich rocks capable of taking polish and suitable for decorative and structural purposes is termed marble.
Extensive deposits of marble are found at several places in the N.W.F.P. it takes good polish and has attractive appearance, therefore the there exists a lot of marble factories in the this area. These factories have small scale setups.
The marble factories have small scale setups. They are present in huge no. in NWFP and collectively these small units discharge a huge quantity of waste water in the nearby water resources.
2.2 Use of Water
The marble units consume huge quantity of water. That is why tube wells are present. The flow rate of water found in pioneer marble factory was 0.65 lit /sec. The water is used for the following purposes in marble factories.
  • Washing of marble rocks
  •   During cutting process
  •  Cooling of cutting blades
  • During sizing process
  • For polishing of raw marble
2.3 Manufacturing Process

2.3.1 Raw Material Transportation
Raw materials is used in rock form and transported by trucks into industry and then internal transport and adjustment is carried out through cranes, chain pulley or by hands. During transportation and unloading steps dust generated.

2.3.2 Cutting
In cutting section of marble factory, the marble rocks converted into small plain blocks through cutting machines on which different types of cutting blades are present.
2.3.3 Sizing
In sizing section the large marble plains are cut according to the demand size. Water is used from the top to cool the cutters which is contaminated with the dust particles and thus become polluted. This waste water is discharged into environment.
2.3.4 Polishing
Polishing is done for the brightness of tiles face. In polishing soap and water are used. This waste water is discharged into environment.
Finishing and smoothing of tiles is done and edges are balanced.

2.4 Waste Water
The water which is used by marble industries during different manufacturing steps as illustrated in process flow diagram is discharged as waste water. This waste water pollutes our environment in different forms. The contamination and parameters of waste water of marble industry is shown in table 2.1. 

Table 2.1 characteristics of waste water of marble industry

Parameters                            Pioneer marble         Pakistan marble
PH                                                 7.01                            8.09
Conductivity ms/cm)                        0.477                          0.39
Hardness (mg/lit)                              1120                           1060
Alkalinity (mg/lit)                              530                             612
Salinity                                            0.01%                         0.012%
TSS (mg/lit)                                     200                             250
TDS (mg/lit)                                    4210                           3960
Turbidity (ntu)                                  126                             93
Potassium (mg/lit)                             2.0                               2.06
Chloride (mg/lit)                               1340                           1300
DO (mg/lit)                                      0.03                            0.033
Sulphide (mg/lit)                               185                             230
COD (mg/lit)                                    240                             260
BOD (mg/lit)                                    70                                66

The term pH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution, where
“Aqueous solution” means either pure water or water with small (in terms of molar amounts) quantities of substances dissolved in it. Strong solutions of chemicals such as one molar sulfuric acid or a saturated solution of sodium chloride do not qualify as aqueous solutions. In those solutions the normal pH range of 0 to 14, which equals the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter, has no meaning. Because the pH of an aqueous solution is numerically equal to the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration (in moles per liter) and can be readily calculated using the following equation, it is therefore indicative of the acidic or basic condition of a wastewater (pH values between 0 and 7.0 indicate acidic conditions, and pH values between 7.0 and 14 indicate alkaline conditions). However, pH is not equivalent to acidity or alkalinity. A wastewater may have a pH of 2.0 but have lower acidity than another wastewater having a pH of 4.0. Likewise, a wastewater having a pH of 9.0 may, or may not, have more alkalinity than a wastewater having
a pH of 10.6.
               PH values were determined in laboratories in quickest possible time. First PH meter was calibrated with buffer 4 and 7.Then PH Values of samples were measured.

Determination of Conductivity:    
Conductivity is the measurement of water capacity for conveying electrical current and is directly related to the concentration of ionized substances in water. It estimates the total soluble salts. Conductivity has relationship with total dissolved solids. It is useful to repeat the specific conductance does measure the dissolved or total solids. But indicate with a simple test the ability of water examined to carry an electric current. The conductivity is useful because it can be readily and precisely determined. The conductivity was determined in the laboratory with Horiba water quality meter Minami-Ku Kyoto, Japan. The instrument was calibrated with KCL and distilled water. Then conductivity of the samples was measured in micro-Siemens per centimeter.

Dissolved Oxygen:
                               1 ml Manganese Sulphate solution, Alkali Iodide Azide, concentrated         H2SO4 and starch indicator was added to 250 ml of sample. Then titrated against 0.025 N Na2S2O3 solution.

                  DO mg/L=A*N88000/ml of sample
                   A=ml of Na2S2O3
                   N=Normality of Na2S2O3

Total solids:
               Total solids in water may be either suspended or dissolved but each one pollutes water.
The residue that is left after evaporating a sample of water at 103oC is referred to as the total solids value of that sample. It is generally regarded as everything that was in the sample that was not water; however, any of the substances originally present, organic or inorganic that volatilized at 103oC or less will not be in the residue.
     Dry and clean evaporating dishes were taken and put in oven at a temperature 
Of 103 C for one hour. The dishes were cooled in desiccator for about 45 minutes and then weighed. After weighing known volume of each sample was taken in dishes and put in drying oven at a temperature of 103-105 C for an hour. Then dishes wee cooled at room temperature and reweigh.
                  Total solid mg/L=A-B*1000/ml of sample
                   A=weight of china dish dried residues
                    B=weight of empty dishes

Total Dissolved Solids
                                    100 ml of filtrated sample was dried in a crucible. The change in weight corresponded to the weight of dissolved solid.

                   Dissolved solid mg/L=A-B *1000/ml of sample
                   A=weight of dissolved solids +dish
                   B=weight of empty dishes

Suspended solids:
Solids that will not pass through a 0.45 micron filter are referred to as total suspended solids
(TSS). Because the standard method for measuring TSS involves shaking the sample thoroughly before filtering, the TSS actually includes all undissolved solids as opposed to simply the dissolved solids that will not settle.

                            Suspended solids (mg/L) =Total solids – dissolved solids

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD):
The standard 5-day BOD test is the most commonly used method to estimate the total
quantity of biodegradable organic material in wastewater. The results of the 5-day BOD test (abbreviated BOD5) are considered to be estimates of the amount of oxygen that would be
consumed by microorganisms in the process of using the organic materials contained in a
wastewater for food for growth and energy. Some of the organic material will thus be
   For determination of BOD,we have to find out
                   1. Initial
                   2. Final DO after 5 days incubation at
The BOD is computed from the difference
Between initial DO and final DO by using the formula:
                                  BOD5= (DOi – Dof)/Po
                                   Where Po is the dilution factor.

               Alkalinity is defined as the quantity of ions in water that will react to neutralize hydrogen ions. Alkalinity is thus a measure of the ability of water to neutralize acid. Alkalinity the sum total of components in water that tends to elevate the PH of water above the value of about 4.5.Alkalinity was determined by "Titration method  
                   50 ml of sample was taken in a titration flask. Then titrated against 0.02 N
Sulfuric acid with few drops of indicator to methyl orange endpoint.            Alkalinity as CACO3 mg/L= (A*N*50,000)/ml of sample
             A=ml of H2SO4
             N=normality of H2SO4

             Chlorides is one of the major in organic anions in water. In potable water the salty taste is produced due to the chlorides. The Cl concentration is mostly higher in waste water. They remain soluble in water, unaffected by the biological process, therefore, reducible by dilution. Their concentration at higher levels that adjacent of pollution 9usually chloride concentration under 10 mg/L is expected).

  100 ml of sample was taken in a conical flask.21 ml of H202 was added and stir for a minute. Then 1 ml K2CrO4 indicator was added and titrated with standard AgNO3 titrant to a pinkish yellow end point.

         Chloride mg/L= [(A – B)*N*356450]/ml of sample
         A=ml of titrant for sample
         B=ml of titrant for blank
         N=normality of AgNO3

               50 ml of sample was taken and a buffer solution was added to it.2-3 drops of Arechrome black tea were added as an indicator and titrated against EDTA.End point was wine red to blue.

                  Hardness mg/L=vol.of EDTA*Normality of EDTA *35000/ml of sample

             5 ml of Iodine was taken in a titration flask and 2 ml of 6 NH4CL was added to it
              Then 100 ml of sample was added. If the color of Iodine changes to colorless, then add more 7 ml of starch indicator and titrated against Na2S2O3 solution until blue
Color disappear.

                  Sulphide mg/L=(A*B) – (C*D)*16000/ml of sample
                  A=ml of Iodine solution
                  B=Normality of Iodine solution
                        C= ml of Na2S2O3
                         D=Normality of Na2S2O3 solution

Turbidity refers to the light-scattering properties of a sample. Turbidity can be described as “haziness” or “milkyness” and is caused by fine particles scattering light at more or less 90 degrees to the direction from which the light enters the sample. Turbidity is not to be confused with color, nor color with turbidity. Turbidity is normally measured using an electronic device in which a beam of ordinary white light is directed through a certain path length of the sample. Photometers placed at right angles to the direction of travel of the light beam detect the amount of light diverted, which is directly proportional to the turbidity, expressed in Nephelo-metric Turbidity Units
Turbidity of the sample was determined by using the Hriba water quality meter Minami-Ku Kyoto, Japan. The instrument was calibrated according to instructions manual. Then the turbidity of the sample was measured in NTU (neophelometery turbidity unit).                

Chemical Oxygen Demand
   Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a second method of estimating how much oxygen would
be depleted from a body of receiving water as a result of bacterial action. Whereas the BOD
test is performed by using a population of bacteria and other microorganisms to attempt to
duplicate what would happen in a natural stream over a period of 5 days, the COD test
uses a strong chemical oxidizing agent, potassium dichromate or potassium permanganate,
to chemically oxidize the organic material in the sample of wastewater under conditions of heat and strong acid. The COD test has the advantage of not being subject to interference
from toxic materials as well as requiring only 2 or 3 hours for test completion, as opposed to 5 days for the BOD test. It has the disadvantage of being completely artificial, but is nevertheless
considered to yield a result that may be the oxygen-demanding properties of a wastewater. used as the basis on which to calculate a reasonably accurate.

Parameters                   Marble industry                                   Ghee industry                        Match industry
Ph                                         7.01                                          9.9                                           10
Conductivity (ms/cm)             0.477                                         0.904                                       0.32
Hardness (mg/lit)                    1120                                          73.5                                         227
Alkalinity (mg/lit)                    530                                            120                                         575
Salinity                                  0.01%                         
Tss (mg/lit)                           200                                             1300                                      1400
Tds (mg/lit)                           4210                                           500                                        4500
Potassium (mg/lit)                  2.0                  
Chloride (mg/lit)                    1340                                            127.6                                      503
Do (mg/lit)                            0.03                                            3.0                                          4.2
Sulphide (mg/lit)                    185                 
COD (mg/lit)                           240                                           130                                       3200  Bod (mg/lit)                            70                   

TSS = total suspended solids
TDS = total dissolved solids
DO = dissolved oxygen
COD = chemical oxygen demand
BOD = biochemical oxygen demand

Received: 06/11/07
Accepted: 14/12/07

K. MACKENZIE                                                                   

Halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) are among the most widely distributed water pollutants in industrialized countries. These organic molecules play an important role as solvents and additives in different industries. HOCs are mostly hazardous and toxic compounds may cause serious health problems such as cancer or mutagenic damage. Therefore, a complete destruction of these compounds is required. Ordinary wastewater treatment works cannot handle the problem. Thus, high priced and energy-intensive methods still have to be employed to solve this problem. Current detoxification techniques such as adsorption on activated carbon or oxidation of the wastewater components do not lead to an environmentally friendly and economically priced solution.
The present paper aims at a treatment technique designed for special industrial wastewaters contaminated with only traces of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) – concentrations. A novel promising trend in environmental research is the application of nano-reagents (such as zero-valent iron) and nano-catalysts. As known from nano-sized metal particles, nano-catalysts have the advantage of very high reaction rates due to high specific surface areas and low mass-transfer restrictions. These nano-catalysts have been successfully tested in different reactor systems at the laboratory scale. Using Pd on nano-scale supports leads to enormous activity of the catalyst which is several orders of magnitude higher than reached in conventional fixed-bed reactors. The ferromagnetism of the carriers enables a separation of the catalysts from the treated water by means of magneto-separation. This gives the chance to reuse the catalyst several times.
The preferred reductant for the HDH reaction is molecular hydrogen. For highly contaminated waters, alternative hydrogen donors such as formic acid have been successfully tested.
Our research follows the idea to detoxify the water by a selective destruction of the HOCs using the method of HDH on palladium-containing nano-catalysts. Detoxification means that persistent HOCs are converted into organic compounds which can easily be removed by biodegradation in a wastewater treatment plant. Reductive hydrodehalogenation reactions are very efficient and selective.
                                                                 RX + H2             pd catalyst HX + RH

For this reaction H2 or a hydrogen source as reducing agents are required. The
Products are predominantly non-toxic organic molecules and small amounts of HX. Palladium containing catalysts in the form of catalyst pellets are commonly used in fixed bed reactors in technical processes such as hydrogenation. Specific catalytic activity APd is used as measure of the Pd efficiency. It is already known that the smaller the catalysts size, the higher the catalytic activity. This leads to the approach to utilize smaller catalyst particles such as fine grained powders or even nano-particles. A novel promising trend in environmental research is the application of nano-reagents (such as zero-valent iron and nano-catalysts. For special applications in wastewater treatment we were able to generate extremely active palladium catalysts on the basis of ferromagnetic carrier colloids. The magnetic nano-sized carriers (such as zero-valent iron or magnetite) were spiked with traces of Pd (0.1 wt.-%). The magnetic properties of the carriers ensure a separation of the catalyst from the treated water by means of magneto-separation. This gives the chance to reuse the catalyst several times. The efficiency of separation can even be enhanced by placing thin steel wires in the magnetic field .This technology ensures a high rate of the nano-catalysts recovery.
Formic acid can  also be used and  found to be suitable as H-donor.  A desirable technological goal is an inexpensive reactor configuration where the catalytic system should be easy to handle. We regard agitated batch reactors as an attractive solution for steadily or discontinuously occurring small volumes of contaminated water. The water to be treated is mixed with the nano-catalyst and an H-donor. During reaction the mixture is stirred continuously. After the complete dehalogenation, the catalyst is extracted from the detoxified water leaving the reactor by means of magneto-separation. The catalyst may then be reused in the next reaction cycle or collected for regeneration. The catalytic material was tested in various technological options incl. batch and continuous flow reactors depending on kind and amount of wastewater. The catalytic activity of the described particles for probe HOCs such as chloro-benzene or TCE is extremely high (up to 8000 L·gPd -1·min-1).

              The DE halogenation activities of the nano-catalyst were studied in batch and column experiments using various probe HOCs such as chlorobenzene, chloroform and trichloroethylene. For tests with low HOC concentrations (1-20 ppm), clear screw-cap bottles (250 ml) equipped with valves were used. The tests with formic acid as H-donor were carried out comparable to the described batch experiments. With this catalytic system, various tests have been carried out. First, the Pd content was determined. The result showed that all the introduced Pd precipitated on the magnetite surface (cPd = 0.1 wt-%). There was no loss of palladium observed. The Pad/magnetite catalyst was then tested in batch experiments under various conditions. The results show, that very high catalytic activities (up to 8000 l·gpd -1·min-1) could be found for different test substances such as chlorobenzene (MCB). The extraction of the magnetite particles from the reaction suspension by means of magneto separation was carried out as described above with a high efficiency. In a test with the continuous flow-through reactor, 97.6 % of the introduced amount of the Pd/magnetite nano-catalyst was recovered in the magneto-separation vessel. The remaining 2.4 % divide into the dissolved fraction and a remaining thin film of particles precipitated on the reactor walls. The results shown prove that a continuous flow-through reactor is a suitable reactor type for treatment of continuously occurring HOC-contaminated wastewater. The extremely high catalyst activities, the stability of the Pd/magnetite system in a near-neutral reaction medium and the good recovery rates of the catalyst by magneto-separation are very promising preconditions for a successful application of the novel catalyst system for wastewater treatment process.

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